Saturday, January 23, 2010

Let sleeping dogs lie

George & Bertie

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Ellie in bridesmaid dress

Now have a full set

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Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Bridesmaid shopping

Sally, Lynn and Fish(the best person) went wedding shopping with Ella and Caitlin bridesmaids to be, unfortunately Ellie couldn't make it. Dresses were found and bought Ellie will be having a fitting this weekend

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Tuesday, January 12, 2010

First blog from my iPhone

Hello all here is my first mobile blog j can now add things on the go!! Like Sally relaxing at home, no she's not about to go out she wears all that winter gear inside as well. She feels the cold y'know.

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Monday, January 4, 2010

Save the Penguins!!

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Christmas penguins and Families

Best Christmas ever? Well so far, with many greater more fun filled ones to come. Fantastic to see the kids ripping the presents open on Christmas day morning, Dan using his ray gun to shoot everything and anything including very dis-chuffed cats. Ella with her credit card monopoly building empires. then off to Sally's family for Roast beef dinner very nice though not really Christmas dinner, where's the Turkey?, with even more pressies to open. Made our way home stuffed and tired after an excellent day.

Boxing day off ooop north to family meal and more pressies at Auntie Judith's another fantastic day and stuffed again!!!!! nice to see everyone and see baby Oliver growing up already.

Which brings us to New Years Day! and the fabulous Go Penguin in Liverpool. The penguins are scattered all over Liverpool city centre painted up by very creative artists. Sally played tourist guide with a map she mugged a local for. We walked our feet off tracking down scores of colourful penguins my favorite being Eval Penguival!!!